Can We Help?

Do you have a "difficult to parent" child or do you feel like you are "walking on eggshells"?
Does your child/teen struggle with changes of plan or transitions? 
Does your child/teen have "BIG" emotions?
Does your child struggle with peer or sibling relations?
Does your child/teen struggle socially?
Does your child/teen struggle with self esteem or self advocacy?
Does your child/teen struggle with social participation or planning their activities of daily living?

Children (4-11) and Adolescents (12+)

We provide therapeutic programs for Children/Adolescents who exhibit any of the following diagnoses or behaviours;

- Level 1 ASD/ Giftedness
- Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
- Specific Learning Disabilities (written expression or reading)
-Developmental delays (Speech, Language, Gross and Fine motor)
- Sensory Processing Challenges (SPD) including Auditory sensitivity 
- Emotional Regulation challenges 
- Motor planning and/or language planning challenges
- Social Language challenges including conversation, eye-contact, reading non verbal cues, describing, explaining, story-telling and conversation repair
- Social Participation challenges including difficulties with peers/siblings
- Anxiety behaviours including Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and OCD 
- Attention and/or Listening Challenges
- Executive functioning skills (organization, impulsivity, working memory, flexibility)


We provide parent support and consultation as part of your child's/teens program. We develop individualized Strategies, Support and Ideas to manage your Child or Teen at home, school and their community.